
København Danser

København Danser er et initiativ, skabt af Thomas Mieth og Ulrik Birkkjær, som tilbyder en unik kulturel oplevelse i hjertet af København. Vi gør det nemt for dig at opleve verdensklasse danseforestillinger uden at forlade byen. Tænk på os som din guide til dans, hvor du kan tage vennerne med, opdage nye kunstneriske udtryk, og nyde en aften fuld af dans, kunst og en fantastisk stemning. Med forestillinger på nogle af Københavns bedste scener udvælger vi internationale stjernekompagnier og de mest anerkendte koreografer – mange af dem har aldrig optrådt i Danmark før. Du behøver ikke at være danseekspert – kom med nysgerrigheden og lad magien på scenen forvandle din aften.

Our performances are more than just shows—they are experiences that move, inspire, and evoke a truly special atmosphere. It's an atmosphere you won't want to miss. Internationally top-level dance will take your breath away or perhaps even have you dancing through the streets on your way home.


Come and be a part of the magic of København Danser—we look forward to welcoming you!

Kærlig hilsen, 

Thomas Mieth & Ulrik Birkkjær

København Danser is Denmark’s new and great dance festival. Our mission is to give the Danes a chance to experience contemporary dance and ballet on the highest international level. Together we shall enjoy some of the best dance companies in the world on the Copenhagen stages.

København Danser is Denmark’s new and great dance festival. Our mission is to give the Danes a chance to experience contemporary dance and ballet on the highest international level. Together we shall enjoy some of the best dance companies in the world on the Copenhagen stages.

Each coming year, København Danser will present a wide-ranging program equally directed towards an audience of all ages who are both knowledgable of and new to dance.

"København Danser is a gift to the people of Copenhagen,
and to dance in Denmark in general"

Monna Dithmer, Politiken

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