by Alexander Ekman

The Royal Opera House

13.-14. juni 2024



Tanz magazine


“A touching, almost holy experience, to see the dancers so close and vulnerable.” 

Svenska Dagbladet


“A world-class show.”



Borås Tidning


GöteborgsOperans Danskompani har de sidste 10 år udviklet sig til et af verdens allerbedste moderne dansekompagnier. Sidste år skabte sveriges stjernekoreograf Alexander Ekman sammen med den danske modeskaber Henrik Vibskov forestillingen HAMMER, der spejler samtiden med humor og fantasi.  København Dansers første armtag med Operaen i København bliver et møde med en gruppe ekstraordinære dansere i det største hit nogensinde for GöteborgsOperans Danskompani.

In Hammer, a harmonious community shares an altruistic lifestyle inspired by the hippie era. They run, play, sing and enjoy life together. But slowly, the community progresses towards the modern age with its ubiquitous surveillance. The group’s behaviour becomes increasingly egotistical and individualistic. When we return for the second act, we find ourselves in a different place. Now we meet a group of self-conscious people in lonely bubbles. Eventually, unable to cope with all the false pretences, they are forced to relinquish their image-conscious facades and return to an altruistic existence.

Alexander Ekman is born in Stockholm and has danced with Royal Swedish Ballet, Cullberg Ballet and Nederlands Dans Theater 2. In 2006 he decided to devote himself completely to choreography.

Alexander Ekman has made many creations, for companies like the Cullberg Ballet, Goteborg Ballet, The Iceland Dance Company, Bern Ballet, Cedar Lake Contemporary Dance, Ballet de l’Opéra du Rhin, Royal Swedish Ballet and The Norwegian National Ballet. He also created for festivals like Europa Danse in France and for the Athens International Dance Festival. For Nederlands Dans Theater 2 he made Flockwork in 2006, one year later Lab 15 ( Nederlands Dans Theater 1) and Cacti in 2010 (Nederlands Dans Theater 2). Cacti was nominated for the Dutch danceprize Swan best dance production 2010.

In 2009, he made a dance film, 40 m under, for and with the Cullberg Ballet which was broadcasted on National Swedish television. Alexander Ekman also made museum installations for the Modern Museum in Stockholm and has composed music for many of his dance pieces.

In 2010 Ekman created for the Göteborg Ballet (La La Land, together with choreographer Medhi Walerski), for Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet and for Cullberg Ballet. In the International Choreography Competition of Hannover Ekman won the 2nd prize with Swingle Sisters (one of the ballets from his Sisters trilogy). In addition, he was awarded first prize by the critics. Recent commissions include Royal Swedish Ballet, Cedar Lake contemporary Ballet, Norwegian National Ballet, Boston Ballet and Dresden Ballet. During 2011 Ekman also worked as a teacher / choreographer at the prestigious Julliard School in New York City. From season 2011 until 2013 Ekman is associate choreographer of Nederlands Dans Theater.


Performed by The Batsheva Ensemble season 2022-2023:

Gili Yaniv Amodai, Adi Blumenreich, Maya Botzer Simhon, Emil Brukman, Holden Cole, Lounes Landri, Bo Matthews, Mermoz Melchior, Roni Milatin, Kylie Miller, Dor Nahum, Sofiia Pikalova, Adi Schwarz, Ido Toledano, Naomi Turnpo, Annika Verplancke.

Aspirants: Mika Goren, Niv Kabiri, Ori Mbazbaz, Leann Reizer.


New choreographies of excerpts from:

Seder (2007), Sadeh21 (2011), Yag (1996), Anaphase (1993), Naharin’s Virus (2001), Kyr (1990), Max (2007), Zachacha (1998)


Lighting Design: Avi Yona Bueno (Bambi)
Costume Design: Rakefet Levi
Costume Fitting Eri Nakamura


Soundtrack Design and Edit: Maxim Waratt
Text: Maxim Waratt
Text about the performance Shira Vitaly



Teknisk Chef: Yuval Glickman

Lys: Nir Gavrielli

Lyd: Ran Yeshurun

Sceneteknik: Saul Itzhak



“Issa Nore” by Maxim Waratt

“Train” by Goldfrapp

“Pictures” by Ohad Fishof & Maxim Waratt

“Stones Start Spinning” by David Darling

Verlaine: Part I: Un midi moins dix” by John Zorn

“Al Ghariba” by Khader Shama

“Riacho” by Guem

“Hava Nagila” by Dick Dale and the Del-Tones

“Echad Mi Yodea” by The Tractor’s Revenge & Maxim Waratt

“Somewhere over the Rainbow” by Harold Arlen

“Sway” by Luis Demetrio

“Na Tum Jano Na Hum” by Rajesh Roshan Ibrahim Ashq

“Do” by Micha Acher, Markus Acher, Guido Hieronymus

“You’re Welcome” by Brian Wilson, Van Dyke Parks


Verdenspremiere: Suzanne Dellal Center, Tel-Aviv, 2000

københavn danser


Formand: Lars Liebst 

Næstformand: Finn L. Meyer 

Camilla Høy Kramer Schou

Maria Birkkjær Räder


Ledelse og administration:

Festivalledere: Ulrik Birkkjær og Thomas Mieth

Business Advisor: Anne-Kari Ravn

Regnskab: Birgitte Hoppe

Grafisk Design: Andreas Kjærgaard / A

Grafisk Design: Ivan Mícíc


Koordinator af frivillige: Emily Redhead

Praktikant: Nikoline Due


København Dansers fantastiske frivillige:

Susanne Mieth Andersen

Maria Engberg Angelsø

Alexandra Bogstad

Anette Bogstad

Laura Bogstad

Jette Børresen 

Helen Chen

Anne-Marie Elmby

Hanne Hosbond

Annika Jervelund

Patric de Jesus

Anna Nielsen

Susie Claudia Nielsen


København Danser ønsker at rette en særlig tak til Peter Clausen fra Live Company


Venner emeriti: Wiwi og Henry Bøhler


Ejendommen Østre Gasværks bestyrelse:
Søren Jenstrup (formand)
Tanja Grunwald
Dodo Hugo
Nils Holscher
Jens Refslund


Anders Holdt Høiris (formand)
Johan Galster (næstformand)
Søren Friis Møller
Maria Frej
Brian Njie (medarbejderrepræsentant)


Direktion & kunstnerisk ledelse:
Administrerende direktør: Lene Christensen
Teaterchef & kunstnerisk leder Østre Gasværk Teater: Søren Møller


HR & lønansvarlig: Charlotte Jensen
Regnskabsfører: Charlotte Hansen


Kommunikation & marketing:
Kommerciel chef & presseansvarlig: Malina Lebrecht Hye
Kommunikationsmedarbejder: Ida Richardt Schulin-Zeuthen
Kommunikationsmedarbejder: Frida Jessen
Grafiker: Jon Kort
Forretningsudvikler: Lone Rix

IT-koordinator & softwareudvikler: Daniel Bruhn Jensen
Foyer- og eventchef: Zaki Aaling Souray

Assi. Foyer- & Eventchef: Laura Sachse


Produktionsleder: Markus Schulin-Zeuthen

Produktionsassistent: Frederik Kyhn Bøge
Teaterarkitekt: Finn Hagen Storgaard
Belysningsmester: Brian Njie
Tonemester: Morten Frank Nebelong
Skræddersalsleder: Christina Seistrup

Kostumeansvarlige: Johanne Thorup Arndal og Daniel Lorenzen 
Forestillingsleder: Lene Sonne

Scenemester: Jacob B. Frederiksen

Scenemester: Rumle Dons
Scenetekniker: Ivar Kramer Vig

Følgespot: Pernille Storgaard og Frederikke Frank Undén

Driftsansvarlig: Kurt Simonsen


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