Tanz magazine
“A touching, almost holy experience, to see the dancers so close and vulnerable.”
Svenska Dagbladet
“A world-class show.”
Borås Tidning
GöteborgsOperans Danskompani har de sidste 10 år udviklet sig til et af verdens allerbedste moderne dansekompagnier. Sidste år skabte sveriges stjernekoreograf Alexander Ekman sammen med den danske modeskaber Henrik Vibskov forestillingen HAMMER, der spejler samtiden med humor og fantasi. København Dansers første armtag med Operaen i København bliver et møde med en gruppe ekstraordinære dansere i det største hit nogensinde for GöteborgsOperans Danskompani.
In Hammer, a harmonious community shares an altruistic lifestyle inspired by the hippie era. They run, play, sing and enjoy life together. But slowly, the community progresses towards the modern age with its ubiquitous surveillance. The group’s behaviour becomes increasingly egotistical and individualistic. When we return for the second act, we find ourselves in a different place. Now we meet a group of self-conscious people in lonely bubbles. Eventually, unable to cope with all the false pretences, they are forced to relinquish their image-conscious facades and return to an altruistic existence.